8 INTERPRETATION OF THE MASS - Die eine Quantentheorie

Die eine Quantentheorie
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Es geht um die einfachste Stringtheorie nach Art der ART,
die den Aufbau der Elementarteilchen erklärt.
Phänomene und Paradoxa lassen sich math. begründen.
Benutzt werden Falsifikation und das Noether-Theorem
mit der letzten Invarianz der Quanten.

It's about the simplest string theory in the way of the GR,
explains the structure of the elementary particles.
Phenomena and paradoxes can be justified mathematically.
Used are falsification and the Noether theorem with
the last invariance of the quanta.
The one quantum theory
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frei von Esoterik
und Quantenlogik!
Die Theoie
der Oszis


Mass is created by the "principle of constriction" based on the GR. Oscis constrict the space-time continuum in the plane of the circular wave and in the extension of the dipole wave as an axis. Constriction can also mean loosening the belt a little, as with neutrinos and photons. It is now to be concretized how mass is to be interpreted in this context. The difficulty is that Einstein's field equations lead to a much too complex system of differential equations. Their heuristic justification, however, suggests a simulation in which acceleration becomes visible as a black-and-white shaded image in 3D space, via the before-and-after comparison. In simple cases this should allow a local numerical solution (continuum mechanics).

First, we want to focus on the particles that really constrict space. How fast time passes in a point of space depends on the energy density there. Since the TO results in a universally valid energy density w00 for the empty universe, there is also a universal speed with which time passes in the empty universe. Since the speed at which time passes is only of interest in relation to this universal speed, the quotient is formed. The universal speed belongs in the denominator, because only in this way indefinite expressions can be avoided. In addition, the quotient is then proportional to the energy density.

At w00 the quotient is 1, which for example could correspond to a pigmentation of 50% (starting color full black = 100%). If the |energy density| = 0, the time = black. Related to the constriction of the circular wave in the oszi, the time passes

Inside faster = brighter, because there the |energy density| < |w00|.

The same applies to the dipole wave. In order to detach itself from the wire model of the oszi, an enveloping surface can be assumed which separates its interior from the exterior (the energy density has its turning point there). So the oszi redistributes the pigments, which requires work.

A redistribution that has taken place at a certain speed does not change as long as the movement remains uniform (drag along). The individual pigment reacts to acceleration depending on how fast time passes in the space point. The speed can be read from the pigment density in its immediate environment. This results in a distortion that makes the image appear more contrasty. The resulting redistribution of pixels corresponds to the increase in kinetic energy.

In the black space model, the individual pigment still follows the curvature of space, but now in a 3-dimensional simulation whose speed as a film is limited solely by the computing time. In this model, the movement of the pigments is to be considered relativistic. The aim of the simulation is to bypass the solution of Einstein's field equations numerically. Since the classical limit case of the harmonic oscillator in the TO is no longer a problem, the model of black space can also be transferred to macroscopic objects.
All problems associated with the term mass now seem to have been solved with the principle of constriction. Not quite, because the photon and the neutrinos are special in this respect. They do not contract the prestressed space (negative energy density), but relieve it locally, which leads to a negative energy balance, which is not possible with the TO. The energy amount missing up to 0 is the mass defect, which becomes smaller with the increase of the speed however ever. This forced convergence allows in the absence of zero point fluctuation only c as a limit value.

Neutrinos and photons are therefore only massless at c!

With the "black space model" it becomes clear that the above argumentation is conclusive. At the neutrino and photon, the distribution of pigments in black space is opposite to that of the particles, which involve a real constriction of space. They are darker inside than the room itself. In this case these differences in brightness disappear more and more under acceleration. The distribution of the pigments in the room is now more even, so that its entropy is low. Since it can only remain the same if it does not gain weight, it is minimal in this case. The minimization of entropy and the minimization of the total energy of a physically closed system are thus mutually dependent. Entropy, however, says something about how well minimization succeeds at best. Entropy is thus a measure of the quality of the space-time continuum!

With the "principle of constriction", the accumulation of matter has an influence on the speed at which time passes in this area. Depending on its structure, it can pass faster or slower. The inconsistencies that occur in classical physics with the refractive index and Casimir effect no longer exist! It should be noted that this refers to the space between the elementary particles as oscis.
An excursion into the SR:

In it, the following relationship between impulse and energy applies.
p2 c2 + m2 c4 = E2 with  p = m v (1 - v2/c2)-1/2
If one repeats the shock experiment in the TO (calculation method see PDF), then
Ekin = E - m c2 = m c2 (1 - v2/c2)-1/2 - m c2 = m c2 ((1 - v2/c2)-1/2 - 1)
All speculations that tie themselves to the ambiguity of the root must therefore be physically rejected!
Besides the didactic problem with the mass there is also the problem with the 4 physical basic forces. In the TO there are only three, because the weak nuclear power is based on the interactions of the dipole wave. The word basic force implies that its origin is not understood, which is no longer the case with the TO. A basic force is bound to the corresponding interaction. This takes place in the space of the corresponding field theory. An exception is the strong interaction, which is based on probability theory. The Space is a special Hilbert space that makes theory the quantum theory in the first place. Thus, the naive idea of basic forces no longer has a place in the TO!
last modification 25.05.2019
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